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     The present project proposal includes the realisation of successive steps directed to the achievement of the overall objective: the adoption of the two-level system for ICM at RSHU on the basis of the specialty "Management". These steps are as follows:
(1) elaboration of the two-level structure (bachelor/master) for ICM accounting for the acquired European and national (Russian) experience;
(2) preparation of the methodological support for the specialty subjects;
(3) quality assurance of the elaborated curriculum;
(4) recognition, at the federal level, of the syllabus on ICM for the Russian Federation;
(5) creation of the conditions for dissemination and implementation of ICM curriculum in Universities of other NIS regions having the need of ICM specialists.

The completion of these successive steps requires the realisation of the following activities:

(1) The elaboration of the two-level ICM curriculum will begin with the definition of the optimal set of disciplines in order to prepare ICM-oriented professionals and with the disciplines distribution in the two levels. The main objective of the bachelor degree is the obtention of fundamental knowledge within the specialty "Management". However, and accounting for the final objective - the education in the ICM field-, it is convenient the inclusion of a quoted number of ICM-related introductory subjects in the RSHU ICM first level. These disciplines must set up the basis for the future ICM-orientation through focusing the basic management, economy and law subjects on problems of rational use of natural resources. Thus, the level giving the main preparation on ICM will be the master level. Due to the absence of experience at the national extent (such a master degree does not exist in the Russian Federation) and, as a consequence, the need to use the European experience, the first working stage will include the analysis of the experience of European universities and international programmes in this field and the preparation of the review "ICM Education in Europe". In this stage will take part the EU consortium members and RSHU. Responsible for the preparation of the review will be UCA. Beside this, this task will be carried out within a collaborative framework with the project ERASMUS MUNDUS Joint Master in Water and Coastal Management, in which UCA and UAL take part. Also it is intended the integration of RSHU into such a process through:
  • Action 1 ERASMUS MUNDUS studentships for Russian students (2005-2008)
  • Action 2 ERASMUS MUNDUS scholarships for Russian Academics (Prof. Plink)
  • Action 3 ERASMUS MUNDUS application in 2005 will join RSHU to the ERASMUS MUNDUS consortium of Algarve, Bergen, Cadiz and Plymouth Universities.
    The European Joint Master in Water and Coastal Management is at present negotiating European accreditation with EAEME and European Association of Environmental Managers. The ICM curriculum and syllabus adapted to the two-level system elaborated at RSHU accounting for the European experience must be discussed and accepted in an experts meeting.

    (2) After the acceptance of the two-level system structure, it is planned to develop the methodological support in two directions: upgrading of the already existing at RSHU subjects and the design and elaboration of new ICM-oriented subjects. As a first step to the realisation of the subject upgrading RSHU has prepared the translation into English of the Russian text-books on ICM-oriented subjects, which has been distributed among consortium members. RSHU will be responsible for the preparation of the upgraded text-books. However, in this task will participate the rest of consortium members, which will provide new materials for new case studies elaboration. For the discussion and coordination in the new case studies elaboration it is foreseen a work-meeting. Responsible for the preparation of the contains of the new subjects will be the three EU Universities (UCA,UA,UB) in charge of the corresponding subject module (Fundamental coastal sciences, ICM-tools and coastal activities). The task will be realised by working groups which will include teaching staff from all consortium Universities and EUCC Mediterranean center. Task coordination and subject discussion will be carried out during three work-meetings with participation of the external experts. Their participation will provide a more objective assessment on the level of the elaborated methodological accompaniment of the academic programme, as far as the preparation of the teaching courses is a key factor in any teaching programme.

    (3) The approbation of the elaborated courses will take place on the basis of the distance learning approach applied to a group of international students (15 persons) from all consortium member Universities. The inclusion in this group of students from EU Universities and RSHU will allow to compare the assimilation of knowledge by students from different Universities, having different initial preparation. This comparison will create the necessary conditions for the validation of these subjects in the Universities of the consortium. Distance learning approach foresees the elaboration of teaching materials and the realisation of advisory training courses. During project implementation it is planned the realisation of three such courses (3-months each), oriented respectively to subjects of one different module. Each advisory course will take place in the University responsible for the respective module, but with the participation of teaching staff from other Universities involved in the corresponding working groups.

    (4) The legalisation process for the two-level system programme on ICM will be done in two directions: mutual recognition of ICM disciplines among the consortium members and the accreditation of the two-level system at RSHU by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Although among EU Universities already exists the corresponding experience, the mutual recognition during the project execution of the educational programme among consortium member Universities is necessary for accounting for the 3-month courses as official academic process of the RSHU students. For the discussion and realisation of this task is foreseen a special meeting of the administrators of consortium member Universities - Rector's meeting. Besides this, this meeting will enhance the internal project support within each University, which increases project sustainability. The procedure for the accreditation of the RSHU two-level system programme on ICM at the national level (by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation) will be lead by RSHU in correspondence with the existing in the Russian Federation procedure of licensing. However, the recognition and accreditation of the above-mentioned programme by the EU consortium Universities will undoubtedly support the successfulness of the procedures for accreditation and licensing of the ICM two-level system in the Russian Federation.

    (5) The elaborated, approbated and legalisated, i.e. recognised by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and by the consortium Universities, will be the first two-level system programme on ICM at the Russian Federation. RSHU experience shows that other Universities placed in different coastal regions of Russian Federation and NIS countries have interests in ICM education. RSHU have already transmitted the current curriculum and syllabus (one-level system) to the University of Tourism and Leisure (Sochi, Black Sea Russian coast), Far-East State University (Vladivostok, Pacific Ocean coast). Taking into account the wide dissemination of education in the ICM field, in the frame of the proposed project is planned the creation and elaboration of a special educational module for ICM education in a CD-ROM. This CD will contain: structure of education (curriculum), the programme of ICM-oriented disciplines, lecture notes of these disciplines, case studies and other methodological materials elaborated in the framework of the project.EUCC will bring its experience and technical expertise to the preparation of the CD ROM. EUCC is developing over the last 4 years a website and CDROM based vocational training tool, CoastLearn, which introduces the ICM methodology and practice to coastal stakeholders (e.g. administration, professionals, NGOs). The technical work for the CDROM design and production will be done by RSHU and EUCC, and the translation into Russian language by RSHU. For the discussion on the conception and structure of the CD-ROM educational module, as well as for facilitating the transformation of the teaching materials into the CD module it is planned a work meeting of the representatives of the teaching courses working groups and the responsible for the CD module creation. Also, in the frame of the dissemination of project results it is foreseen the creation of a project web site containing not only project information, but also designed as a forum for the discussion of ICM programmes, disciplines and teaching materials with specialists not included in the consortium. Responsible for the preparation of the CD teaching module will be EUCC, and for the version in Russian language will be RSHU.

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