Project Cronogram 2006

Tempus site
     Cronogram to detail the date, the place of celebration and the activities to develop during the next meetings (in 2006) previously proposed in the last meeting at UCA and reflected in the internal report that it was sent to all the members.
     Any change, proposal or suggestion for the members of the project will be considered, accepted and welcome. The collaboration of all the members involved in the project is required.


Rector's meeting (1.3): University of Bologna 1st project year » Each one of the members will invite the rector of his University. It is necessary to agree the rector agenda.

» It will be discussed about the legalisation of the developing ICM curriculum at all consortium Universities.

» Other issues such as mutual recognition of ICM-modules or training periods among partners Universities could be included.

Preparation of case studies (2.1): RSHU Deadline:
12th of May
» All members will have to send to Nikolay Plink (RSHU) a very short description of the available case studies.

» Filomena Martins (UA) will select one or two persons for the University of Aveiro to prepare the case of studies.

» The UCA will count on the experience of the Dr. Barragan to design his case of studies.

» Carolina Perez (EUCC-Mediterranean Center) will provide the needed templates.

» UB are available to supply electronic material about the Environmental Management Certification of Cervia town, and some research experiences on environmental impacts within regional ports. His contribution to the CD lecture material, will be in the form of keynote lectures on 'tourism in coastal areas', as delivered by Luigi Bruzzi during the ERASMUS-MUNDUS course module at UCA.

» All members will send the documents to the others members to estimate them and to discuss about.

Meeting of case study working group at RSHU (2.2): RSHU
The preliminary proposal is the first day (UNITWIN Seminar) - at RSHU, other two days- outside from town (for instance in "Duna).
29th -31st May » In the meeting the case study documents for the different institutions will be selected for the implementation of the case study on the part of the RSHU.

» Final design of case study.

» Other activities

» Preliminary draft program of meeting
Meeting of working groups on coastal sciences and ICM disciplines at UCA (3.2 and 3.3): University of Aveiro

University of Cadiz
1st project year
(will be announced by the end of February in dependence of the place of activity)
3 (yearly) 1-month advisory course and field practices on Baltic Floating University (5.1) RSHU (BFU) July or August
(Nikolay Plink will announce the definite date of this activity as soon as possible)
» Students from all consortium Universities will have joint field practices using the BFU facility.

» Students from consortium universities travel to RSHU (15 students flow EU-RF)

Preparation of a Web-site meeting (6.2): Leiden
(EUCC-Mediterranean Center headquarters)
February It is interesting that all members visit the web-site:

» to estimate the web-site and to note mistakes, lacks and wishes.

» to send the login and password for the registration as official participants of the project, for the working in a zone of participants.

» to send photos which, in your opinion, it is necessary to place on the Web-site in section of a Photo-gallery.

» to send all materials which you think it is necessary to place on the Web-site.

At the end and, if there is enough time, it will be discuss the CD design (activity 4) because the meeting for the preparation of the CD will be made in EUCC- Mediterranean Center too.

Activities: Members involved in each activity:
Rector's meeting (1.3): UCA, UA, UB, UL, UAL, RSHU
Preparation of case studies (2.1): UCA, UA, UB, UL, UAL, RSHU
Meeting of case study working group at RSHU (2.2): UCA, UA, UB, UL, UAL, RSHU
Meeting of working groups on coastal sciences and ICM disciplines at UCA (3.2 and 3.3): UCA, UA, UB, UL, UAL, RSHU, EUCC
Management of the activity "Preparation of the CD educational module" (4) UCA, UA, UB, UL, UAL, RSHU, EUCC
Preparation of a Web-site meeting (6.2): EUCC, RSHU, UCA

Working groups: Members involved in each group:
1) Group on fundamental coastal sciences: UCA (head), UA, RSHU, UAL???*, UL???*
2) Group on ICM disciplines: UA (head), EUCC-Mediterranean Center, RSHU, UCA, UB, UAL???*, UL???*
3) Group on coastal activities: UB (head), RSHU, UA, UCA, EUCC-Mediterranean Center, UAL???*, UL???*
4) Group on case studies: EUCC-Mediterranean Center (head) + all consortium members
* The institutions with a question mark (there were not any members in the last meeting at UCA) must confirm their contribution and collaboration to the different work groups.

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