17-19, November, 2005 First Project Meeting in University of Cadiz, Spain
It was the first project meeting, management and expert meeting among project partners to determine the main features of the first phase of the project.
Proposed Agenda points:
- Project kick-off and management meeting
- Elaboration of ICM structure for the two-level system
- Dissemination
16-19, May, 2006 Technical meeting among project partners which took place at EUCC - the Coastal Union, Leiden, addressing the points of the Project web-site development and principles of preparation of the ICM education case studies and modules.
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29, May - 02, June, 2006 TEMPUS Meeting of case study working group at RSHU, St. Petersburg, among project partners celebrated at, addressing the points of the corresponding Agenda.
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After discussion during the TEMPUS Meeting at RSHU, St. Petersburg, 29, May - 02, June, 2006, the variant N7 of the project logos designed by Roman Vasyliev (RSHU) has been approved. Logos page