About Project » Dissemination

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     The implementation in the real practice of the results obtained during the joint collaborative work is a key part in the execution of any project. However, in our case, the task of dissemination has a particular significance for the project realisation and it is a fundamental part of the project. The reason is that RSHU is the leading organisation for education in the ICM field in the Russian Federation. Currently, a number of other Russian Universities appeal to RSHU for advisement and request on teaching materials (curriculum, syllabus, textbooks) related to the education in ICM field. In such a way, RSHU has somehow reached the status of a Russian Federation reference institution in the field of development of ICM education. Partly this is because during the implementation of the previous TEMPUS Project (JEP 10814-1999) at RSHU successfully was created an ICM curriculum accounting not only for the national, but also for the international experience on ICM educational sphere. We may expect that during the transition of the Russian higher education to the two-level system, the needs for methodological support of other Russian ICM-related Universities will increase. Therefore, if this proposal is supported by the TEMPUS Programme, the reinforcement of international cooperation through the involvement of a increased number (related to the past project) of Universities will enhance the role of RSHU as a methodological reference centre for ICM education in the Russian Federation. This will determine the importance of the creation in the early stages of project execution of the appropriate basis for project results dissemination.

     Taking into account the above-mentioned, during project execution the dissemination process will develop in two directions:
   - Information about project execution, its objectives, activities and results through a web site oriented to attract the attention to the ICM problems in general, and to the ICM educational needs in particular, creating a positive image of the project in this field.
   - Dissemination of the teaching materials developed within the project framework (curriculum, syllabus, case studies, practical problems examples) in order to create the best conditions for their assimilation and to facilitate the process of adoption of the two-system educational structure in other interested Universities through the creation of a special methodological-learning module in a CD-ROM (ref. Outcome 4).

     Taking into account that this module will contain the wide spectrum of methodological teaching materials (including the contains of concrete disciplines and case studies reflecting the positive coastal experience of European countries - European Coastal best practices) it will be useful also for the European Universities (including the consortium Universities) for the upgrading of their own teaching process on ICM. This way of dissemination also is important and useful taking into account the fast tempo of development on ICM field, and as a consequence, the intensive accumulation of experience which must be reflected in the state-of-the-art teaching materials. For a wider dissemination the CD-ROM will be elaborated in Russian and English languages.

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