About Project » Management of the Project

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     The management of the Project will be mainly carried out by the contractor (UCA) and coordinator of the consortium. The team leaders of all consortium members will constitute an advisory group for the project management. The existence of the UNITWIN Network involving most of consortium members will facilitate the constitution of the project management structure. All decisions will be discussed within this structure. Besides the quite often meetings, internet, fax and telephone contacts will allow the consortium members communication. Due to the complexity of the management tasks (contracting and coordinating institutions have already experience in TEMPUS Projects) as inputs from TEMPUS are required staff costs for administrative staff and financial manager. Accounting on the importance of staff mobility for the project purposes, a extensive staff mobility is foreseen. Nevertheless, taking advantage of previous experiences within TEMPUS Programme framework and being familiar with the inherent complications to such actions, whenever possible activities requiring mobility coincides in time and in place, saving money to TEMPUS, time to involved consortium members and facilitating the project management.
    For a better management 5 work-teams will be formed from the project participants:
  • upgrading of existing courses (responsible RSHU);
  • preparation of new courses in the module Fundamental coastal sciences (responsible UCA);
  • preparation of new courses in the module ICM tools (responsible UCA and UA);
  • preparation of new courses in the module Coastal Activities (responsible UB);
  • preparation of CD module.
     For the general work planning and updating are foreseen yearly meetings, with the present of the individual experts, which opinion will be taken into account in order to upgrade de overall project management and results.

     In order to facilitate the control and the information available to the RSHU administration about the state of project performance, in the RSHU planning will be foreseen the provision of yearly reports to the RSHU Academic and Scientific Commission by the project coordinator (this Commission is the Higher directive council at RSHU). This last step is necessary, as far as all documents related to the accreditation process must count on the acceptation of this Commission.

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