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Wider Objective:

What is the overall broader objective, to which the project will contribute?
1. Development of cooperation and integration both among EU and EU and NIS country Universities in education and training on integrated coastal management (ICM) based on the Bologna Declaration principles.
2. Dissemination of wise coastal practices for improving the educational and training processes and ICM development in Europe.
Indicators of progress:

What are the key indicators related to the wider objective?
1. The number of EU and NIS countries Universities using developed ICM MSc course in educational process.
2. Achievement of the best practices according to UNESCO 17 principles for evaluation of pilot projects. It is proposed to apply this approach for assessment of JEP using as estimators indicators of best practices (long-term benefit, capacity building, sustainability, institutional strengthening, etc as described in CSI paper 12, UNESCO, Paris, pp 51-52).
How indicators will be measured:

What are the sources of information on these indicators?
1. Agreements among Universities enforcing co-operation in the ICM educational sphere.
2. Analysis of project reports and results of field monitoring and estimation (1-10) of the indicators of best practices by external expert.
Specific Project Objective/s:

What are the specific objective/s, which the project shall achieve?
1. Elaboration ICM Master's course based on the cross-sectorial multidisciplinary approach and sustainable development principles.
2. Introduction of ICM Master's course into RSHU educational process, the only one university in Russian Federation that has started ICM academicals education.
3. Preparation of CD educational module for wider dissemination.
4. Quality assurance of ICM master programme by means of student mobility and expert assessment.
Indicators of progress:

What are the quantitative and qualitative indicators showing whether and to what extent the project's specific objective/s are achieved?
1. Mutual recognition of the MSc course will indicate that the developed course accomplish with the necessary requirements of cross-sectorality, multi-disciplinarily and sustainable development.
2. Legalization of MSc course by RSHU Authorities and its inclusion into educational process.
3. Preparation of ICM CD-ROM.
4. Expert assessments of educational results of student mobility.
How indicators will be measured:

What are the sources of information that exist and can be collected? What are the methods required to get this information?
1. Agreement(s) related to mutual recognition of ICM curriculum.
2. Documents related with accreditation of ICM curriculum at RSHU.
3. Demonstration of ICM CD-ROM.
4. Evaluation of students participating in student mobility (yearly , 3-months).
Assumptions & risks:

What are the factors and conditions not under the direct control of the project, which are necessary to achieve these objectives? What risks have to be considered?
1. It is supposed that RSHU staff and student knowledge of foreign language is sufficient.
2. Burocratic procedure of master's course adoption and legalization in the Russian Federation is not too long, however, Russian authorities plan to finish the transition by 2008.
Outputs (tangible) and Outcomes (intangible):

Please provide the list of concrete outputs/outcomes leading to the specific objective/s, using bullet points, considering the following questions for their definition: What are the envisaged quantifiable and nonquantifiable effects and benefits of the project? What improvements and changes will be produced by the project?
1. Improving of educational process through increasing the practical component and training aspects of education.
2. Exchange in ICM experience during the preparation of case studies, text-books and other teaching materials.
3. Development of educational structure of RSHU and its transformation into two level educational model.
4. Development of multilevel cooperation among Consortium member Universities (Authorities, Faculties, Departments).
5. CD-ROM output facilitating interactive learning and dissemination of curriculum.
6. Website
7. Hard-copies of teaching materials and case studies.
8. Edition of review "ICM education in Europe".
Indicators of progress:

What are the indicators to measure whether and to what extent the project achieves the envisaged results and effects?
1. Master's thesis that will be prepared by international pilot group of students.
2. Case studies included in lecture notes and text-books.
3. Changes in ICM educational structure of RSHU.
4. Intensity and membership of staff mobility.
5. Mailing list of CD ROM diffusion.
How indicators will be measured:

What are the sources of information on these indicators?
1. Results (marks, testimonials) of Master's thesis defense for students took part in project student mobility.
2. Project reports and results of field monitoring.
3. Results of annual opinion interview of students involved into project through student mobility.
Assumptions & risks:

What external factors and conditions must be realized to obtain the expected outcomes and results on schedule?
1. It is supposed that university staff involved into JEP project will place high emphasis on project implementation.
2. It is supposed that selection procedure will provide possibility for best students to be involved into project student mobility.

What are the key activities to be carried out and in what sequence in order to produce the expected results?
1. Elaboration of ICM curriculum.
2. Upgrading and preparation of necessary supporting teaching materials (computer text-books, case studies).
3. Transforming teaching materials into CD interactive educational module.
4. Approbation of ICM MSc course.
5. Staff meetings.
6. Student exchange.
7. Dissemination.

What inputs are required to implement these activities, e.g. staff time, equipment, mobility, publications etc.?
1. Staff time, staff mobility.
2. Staff time, staff mobility and office equipment.
3. Staff time, staff mobility, computers, software.
4. Staff time, student mobility.
5. Printing, translation and edition costs.
6. CD production costs.
  Assumptions, risks and pre-conditions:

What pre-conditions are required before the project starts? What conditions outside the project's direct control have to be present for the implementation of the planned activities?
1. As a pre-object activity translation into English of ICM text-books used by the Department of ICM at RSHU have been already made.
2. Package of documents for curriculum accreditation has to correspond to the procedure and normative adopted by the RF Ministry of Education and Science.

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