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Project title and Acronym:
EU-COMET2 - ICM curriculum adaptation to the two-level system
Specific Project Objective/s:
Two level (bachelor/master) curriculum on ICM is developed at RSHU (RF).
Upgrading of existing ICM courses at RSHU.
Development of new ICM courses providing needed methodological support.
Preparation of a CD ROM educational module to allow wider dissemination of results.
Quality assurance of ICM Master's programme by means of students mobility and expert's assessment.
Grant Applicant Higher Education Institution:
Universidad de Cadiz
Partner Country Universities involved:
Russian State Hydrometeorological University
Outputs and Outcomes:
1.Improving of educational process.
2. Exchange of ICM experience.
3. Development of ICM two-level structure.
4. Development of multilevel cooperation among consortium members.
5. CD-ROM output.
6. Website.
7. Edition of teaching materials.
8. Edition of review "ICM education in Europe.
Summary of the Main Features of the Project:
The project is aimed to the adoption of two level system structure for ICM education at RSHU. RSHU is the only one University in RF with a legalisated education on ICM, but currently only at the one-level system (manager specialist). The aim of the consortium is to use all European and Russian experience in order to design proper curriculum and syllabus for an ICM two-level structure. This task, indeed, corresponds with a priority of the RF Ministry of Education and Science: the transition of the Higher education to the two-level system by 2008.

Upgrading of existing disciplines, creation of new ones and the preparation of all related teaching material and methodological support will provide the basis for the establishment of this new ICM two-level structure (bachelor/master). The preparation of a CD module and a project web site will allow the wider dissemination of these results to other interested RF and NIS Universities.

Students and staff exchange and the involvement of external experts will complete these tasks, and assess the obtained results.

As a final step the preparation and support by all consortium member universities must help the new ICM-two-level structure accreditation by the RF Ministry of Education and Science.

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