Project Meetings » EUCC - the Coastal Union, Leiden, the Netherlands, 16-19, May, 2006 » Meeting Minutes

Tempus site
     This report corresponds to the results of the technical meeting among project partners which took place at EUCC - the Coastal Union, Leiden, from 16th to 19th of May, addressing the points of the Project web-site development and principles of preparation of the ICM education case studies and modules.



    The meeting participants revised the basic version of the Project web-site which was presented on the meeting. Some technical details were discussed and it was decided to include into to the web-site structure the following items:
»  a "Download" section in the Project members area for exchange of a large size materials as well as for deposit materials on the web-site.
»  to make a password\login system for each Project member. Each institution has to provide a list of Project participants and invitees in order to be considered as user members and provided wit the corresponding login and password.
»  to make a common communication engine for Project members on the web-site which will include forum, file exchange, massages system, Project address book, etc.
»  to give possibilities to Project leaders to add and change the web-site materials (some easy web site administration interface).
»  to make a search service on the web-site.
»  to provide a "Links" section on the web-site which will include main information about Project partners wider interests, other related Projects, etc.
»  to include a "press dossier" section, containing all mass media releases dealing with the project EU-COMET2.

    The meeting participants developed and approved the main structure and design of the ICM case study presentation, for both the web-site and CD-ROM based versions as an html template.
    EUCC will prepare the main ICM case study list in viewing of this template with links to a case study short description and fully developed case study. In the table template will appear the case study title, and keywords related to discipline group (as stated in the previous project meeting) and related modules. The number of case studies must not be bigger than 7 per each ICM education module group (about 20 case study in all), and not more that 20 pages for each fully developed case study. An edition guidelines have been developed in this connection.
    The previous case studies list and an example describing will be present on the Project web-site. All Project members should correct and add their own selected case studies during future discussion.

    The meeting participants discussed some variants of the Project Logo. They decided to have two variants of Logos, main and small version. All possibilities will be posted in the Project web-site for discussion between all Project participants for final selection.


Name/ Position Organisation Project
Alfredo Izquierdo UCA EU-COMET-2
Georgy Gogoberidze RSHU EU-COMET-2
Sergey Vilenkin RSHU EU-COMET-2
Sergey Vinogradov RSHU EU-COMET-2
Carolina Perez Valverde EUCC- Mediterranean Center EU-COMET-2
Erik Devilee EUCC- Mediterranean Center EU-COMET-2

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        Developed by SCNIT "InfoHydromet", RSHU

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