Project Meetings » RSHU, St.-Petersburg, 29, May - 02, June, 2006 » Agenda

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Program of TEMPUS/UNITWIN meeting
29, May - 02, June, 2006
St. Petersburg

29, May, Monday
International UNESCO Seminar "5 Years of UNESCO/UNITWIN Network on "Wise Coastal Practices on Sustainable Human Development" - WiCoP - Europe

10.00 Welcoming addresses

Lev Karlin - Rector of RSHU
Alexei Suzyumov - IOC UNESCO
Diego Sales - Rector of UCA

10.30 Session 1 - "Development of common European Educational Space"

10.30 "IOC ICAM Programme and its role in capacity building and international knowledge sharing" - Stefano Belfiore (IOC of UNESCO)
11.00 "5 Years of UNESCO/UNITWIN Network on "Wise Coastal Practices on Sustainable Human Development" - Diego Sales (Rector of University of Cadiz, Spain), Angel del Valls (coordinator of WiCoP Network, University of Cadiz, Spain)
11.30 "EU-COMET TEMPUS JEP Project as a Tool of Practical Realization of European Education Trends in the Russia"- Alfredo Izquierdo (coordinator of EU-COMET2, University of Cadiz)

12.00 Coffee-brake

12.30 "Erasmus Mundus -Master Course on Water and Coastal Management" - Alice Newton (coordinator of MSWCM project, University of Algarve, Portugal), Angel del Valls (University of Cadiz, Spain)
13.00 "Experience gained in the Master course (60 ECTS) on Integrated Coastal Management at the University of Bologna". Marco Abbiati (University of Bologna, Italy).
13.30 "Bologna Process - Vector for Development of European University Cooperation" - Luigi Bruzzi (University of Bologna, Italy), Roberta Guerra (University of Bologna, Italy).

14.00 Lunch

15.00 Session 2 - Local impact on education and development of institutional networking and international cooperation.

15.00 "Using "Training Through Research" Principle within International Baltic Floating University Facility" - Tatiana Eremina (BFU coordinator, Russian State Hydrometeorological University, Russia), Alexandr Averkiev (RSHU), Angel del Valls (University of Cadiz, Spain), Filomena Martins (University of Aveiro, Portugal)
15.20 "University of Latvia UNESCO Chair as a tool for sustainable development of coastal municipalities in Latvia" - Raimonds Ernsteins (Director of Institute for Environment and Management, University of Latvia, Latvia).
15.40 "Environment Coastal Conflict Resolutions: study, education, practices" - Ronald Wennersten (coordinator of INTERREG III B "CoastMan project, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden), Olga Kordas (Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden). 16.00 "Coast of the Eastern Gulf of Finland - Polygon for International Student Summer Field work " - Mihail Spiridonov, (Russian State Geological Institute (VSEGII), Russia), Daria Riabchuk (Russian State Geological Institute (VSEGII), Russia).
16.20 "European Coastal Union (EUCC) - cooperation in research, education and public participation" - Irene Lucius (EUCC), Carolina Perez (Director of EUCC Mediterranean Center, Spain).
16.40 "Example of Wide Mutual Benefited Cooperation of Joint Stock Company "LENMORNIIPROECT" and RSHU in Development of New Port Facility in the Eastern Gulf of Finland". Sergey Belenko (Head of Department, "LENMORNIIPROECT", Russia), Iouri Agishev ("LENMORNIIPROECT", Russia), Sergey Lukuanov (Russian State Hydrometeorological University, Russia). 17.00 "Learnig Network on Coastal Sustainable Living (LearnCoast) - International networking under Sail". - Alexey Nekrasov (Coordinator of LearnCoast project, RSHU), Svyatoslav Tyuryakov (Manager of the LearnCoast project, RSHU).

30-31, May- 1-2, June

Project meetings - Working discussions
  » process of project implementation,
  » dissemination (web, CD) - results of EUCC-RSHU meeting,
  » "ICM Education in Europe" - progress in preparation,
  » Case studies

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