Project Meetings » RSHU, St.-Petersburg, 29, May - 02, June, 2006 » Meeting Minutes

Tempus site
     These last minutes correspond to the results of the TEMPUS Meeting of case study working group at RSHU, among project partners celebrated at RSHU from 29th of May to 2nd of June, addressing the points of the corresponding Agenda.



1. Meeting of case study working group at RSHU (2.2):
    The edition of case studies and the creation of the CD-ROM will run on the part of RSHU. In this meeting it was presented to all partners the design of the templates for the edition of the case studies in the web site and CD-ROM versions. Design of the Templates of the case studies were accepted for the participants.
    Some examples of case studies from EUCC-Mediterranean Centre and UCA, were presented.
    • All partners are requested to send to Nikolai Plink until 30th of June the short description according to the provided templates of the available case studies. Among these case studies it will be made the final selection.
    • Nikolai Plink will present the preliminary list of selected case studies on 1st of September, to be discussed on 16th September in the Bologna Meeting. In case of need Nikolai will require complementary case studies.
2. Dissemination. Review " ICZM education in Europe" (6.3):
  • Testing: During all month of June all partners should check with some colleagues the updated version Questionnaire until 30th of June. It will be created an email address for the project members and the suggestions and comments of the Questionnaire should be sent to this email in order all partners could check the comments. By the 30th of June all partners will provide to UCA a list of key persons to contact with them in case of it could be necessary.
  • Evaluation: Along the month of July it will evaluate all comments and suggestions and re-write the final version of the document. In this phase all partners are involved.
  • Dissemination: It will start the mailing of the Questionnaire from UCA to another institutions (namely to the key contact persons previously suggested by partners).The dissemination for the Questionnaire it is should be by this kind of networks (EUCC, ENCORA, EUROCOAST, EU-COMET2, IOC and its corresponding local points,…) and national networks. EUCC-Mediterranean Centre will collaborate in the analysis of the received answered Questionnaires. After one month from mailing start if not much answer will be received it will be necessary to make reminders, the first one by email and the next if it is necessary by phone. Stefano Belfiore (IOC) will check the possibility to edit and to publish the "ICZM Education in Europe", if it satisfy the capacity building principles of IOC.
3. Dissemination. Creation and support of the Project web site (6.1):
  • It has been coordinated the EU-COMET2 dissemination activity with WICOP-Europe UNITWIN project and -IOC/ICAM programme.
  • Web site creation and support (activity 6.1 of the project):
        The last minutes of the web site Meeting were presented and agreed. An exchange file system was created in the members area web site. The team-leader of each institution partner have to send the names of all participants to get a login and password. In order to check the capacity of the exchange system all members can send files or photos for this meeting.
        Partners should check their data in the web site to see that they are correct and they have to provide the web site administrator (Sergey Vinogradov and George Gogoberidze) the actual logo for the members institutions.
        One of the project logos variants designed by Roman Vasyliev (RSHU), to whom we express our gratitude, has been approved. More about selection of project logo.
        Sergey Vinogradov proposed to develop an administrator system to update the web site from UCA. It was agreed the introduction of links to other ICZM related sites (UNESCO/CSI, IOC, EUCC-Mediterranean Centre ICM News, etc) in the project web site and viceversa.
4. Next activities:
Bologna Rector's Meeting (1.3):
It was considered for most of consortium universities as an important activity, which can enhance the institutional support to the Project. Also, the needs analysis for legalisation of the developing ICZM curriculum at all consortium Universities. The relevance and symbolic significance of Bologna in the process of European Convergence in Higher Education makes this place ideal to carry out the rectors meeting.
  • Date: 15th-16th September, 2006 (on 15th it will be the official signature event of MAGNA CARTA and on 16th it will be the workshop day)
  • Participants: partners of the TEMPUS TACIS Project and all rectors of the Universities and also Patricio Bernal (IOC Executive Secretary) will invite. Luigi Bruzzi and Angel del Valls will provide information to the Rectors and also to Patricio Bernal and the official invitations will be provided by the hand of the Bologna Rector.
  • Place of the Meeting: The formal signature of the Magna Carta (15th September) will be in Bologna but the TEMPUS workshop meeting will be in Ravenna.
  • Agenda: Marco Abbiati and Angel del Valls will provide the official Agenda and UCA will add the items to discuss in the workshop also.
Coordination 2nd yearly Tempus (9.3) - working groups on coastal sciences and ICZM disciplines (3.2, 3.3)-Erasmus/Mundus Meeting at UCA:
The possibility was considered to celebrate together the coastal sciences and ICZM discipline meetings in the University of Cadiz with the coordination TEMPUS-Erasmus/Mundus Meeting.
  • Date: November or December, 2006
  • Participants: All members of EU-COMET2
  • Place of the Meeting: Cadiz University.
  • Agenda: To be defined

Dates to remember:
  • 30th June: limit date to send case studies to Nikolai Plink.
  • 30th June: all partners will provide to UCA a list of key persons to contact.
  • 30th June: The team-leader of each institution partner have to send the names of all participants to get a login and password to Sergey Vinogradov and George Gogoberidze.
  • Along the month of July it will evaluate all comments and suggestions
  • At the beginning of September it will start the mailing of the Questionnaire from UCA to another institutions
  • 1st September: Presentation of the preliminary list of case studies
  • 16th September: Bologna Rector?s Meeting
  • November or December, 2006 (date not fixed): Coordination 2nd yearly Tempus (9.3) - working groups on coastal sciences and ICZM disciplines (3.2, 3.3)-Erasmus/Mundus Meeting at UCA


Name/ Position Organisation Project
Alfredo Izquierdo UCA EU-COMET-2
Inmaculada Riba CSIC/UCA EU-COMET-2
Nikolay Plink RSHU EU-COMET-2
Georgy Gogoberidze RSHU EU-COMET-2
Sergey Vinogradov RSHU EU-COMET-2
Viktor Arkhangelski RSHU EU-COMET-2
Marina Kononenko RSHU EU-COMET-2
Alexei Suzyumov Individual Expert EU-COMET-2
Stefano Belfiore IOC EU-COMET-2
Filomena Cardoso University of Aveiro EU-COMET-2
Luigi Bruzzi University of Bologna EU-COMET-2
Marco Abbiati University of Bologna EU-COMET-2
Diana Sulga University of Latvia EU-COMET-2
Irene Lucius EUCC- Mediterranean Center EU-COMET-2
Emma Reyes UCA EU-COMET-2

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