Publications » Textbooks

Tempus site
During the TEMPUS EU-COMET Project (JEP-10814-99) execution, the first and up to now the only one officially recognised in Russia 5-year degree (manager) focused on ICM was developed. The Department of Integrated Coastal Management was created at the Faculty of Oceanography of the Russian State Hydrometeorological University, St. Petersburg (RSHU). The text-books of four ICM target disciplines were elaborated and published. There are included:

     » Coastal Law;
     » Coastal Zone Economics;
     » Coastal Policy;
     » Integrated Coastal Management Planning Strategies.

The preparation of the text-books was an important and necessary step into the development of ICM training and education at RF.

Some information about these textbooks your can find on the UNESCO-CSI Web-site:

     » Textbooks on integrated coastal management: the first in Russian;
     » Integrated Coastal Management Planning Strategies;
     » Legal Provision for Integrated Coastal Zone Management.

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